Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Venue

Ok, so as weird as this sounds...

I already had my wedding venue picked out and a few dates on hold in December... before the rings were bought.

I know, I know, that's really 前向き (proactive) of me... but I wanted to make sure there was a place for us... for sure...

And with the help of my bff Kristine who works with theknot Hawaii, I was able to get the dates I wanted saved while the B worked on getting his days off.

He got it off and my mom paid the deposit today! 

Looks like we will be getting married at the Hukilau Lanai in Kapa'a this summer!

(Pending the formal proposal, of course (^_^;) )

Saturday, December 20, 2014

We Have a Theme!!!

日テレ (Nihon TV) does 金曜ロードショー (Friday Roadshow) and usually shows a family movie.

This week, they showed Pixar's Up!

The B had never seen it before and thought I was crazy when I started tearing up at the beginning of the Carl and Ellie montage. 

But I think the colors and the whole adventure and travel theme really fit us!!

Plus, my mom is allergic to roses and I'm not particularly fond of flowers... So this works out well!

I know, no ring yet... But it's going to happen. 

Adventure is out there!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


I started a pinterest earlier this year just because I found a lot of good resources for lesson plans and crafts for my students to do (I teach third grade). But ever since I've got that wedding itch, I have become completely obsessed with it.

I usually get through my morning commute playing Disney ツムツム but now Pinterest is my go-to pasttime.

My Pinterest