Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Postcards Sent!

The B finally got around to sending out the Save the Date postcards to the U.S. addresses!!!!

I sent mine last Wednesday on my bike ride home after work and he just sent it out today!

Wonder how long it'll take for everyone to get it....

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Apartment Renewal for the B

Next month the B's apartment needs to be renewed and there is SO MUCH paperwork to be done!!!

He actually got the renewal paperwork a while before I went to Paris, but he didn't know what was in the packet and I was way too distracted by the trip, school, grades and my part time job to remember to look at him when I was over.

Finally, I worked everything out with MiniMini (the realestate middle man company) and after two extentions I got it all done and turned in! So glad for all of the post boxes between my apartment and the station.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Invitation Scouting

Had some time before meeting my friends E-chan and M-chan so I stopped by Loft to check out their paper selection. 

Talk about overwhelming!!!

The cool thing is that a lot of the pieces are pre-cut and the envelopes are made to size but there's so much to choose from!

Will have to solidify my color choices and work from there. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

1001 cranes: 千羽鶴: The struggle begins

In Hawaii, it's tradition for a Japanese-American wedding to have 1,001 gold cranes (千羽鶴), often used as the welcome board for the wedding reception, for the wedding.

This whole time, I thought it was a Japanese tradition, but after being to a fair share of weddings here in Japan, I realized it's a Hawaii thing.

The bride-to-be is supposed to fold 1,000 cranes (and the groom does one for good luck) to show she is hard working and diligent (so I've heard).

And now that I'm officially engaged, I figure I better get started!

Day One of being a Teyoncé to my Beyoncé fiancé. Lol

I decided since we don't know where we are moving and I'll have to bring the display back to Japan for our party here in Tokyo, I don't want to make the "traditional" size. 

Usually they use the regular size origami and the display ends up being the size of a movie poster. 

I decided to cut the regular origami paper into 16 squares so the display is easily transportable and won't take up too much room in our home wherever it may be. 

Crane number 1/1000
The struggle has begun!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

He Proposed!!!

This is my first blog entry... and I'm starting with the proposal!

Although the B and I have been talking about getting married for almost five months now, it didn't really get real until we sat down and compromised over the rings.

After a long discussion, we agreed that the engagement ring needed to be something simple and not too gaudy even though that's what I was aiming for at first and it needed to be something that would look good with the wedding band.

So we headed out to the department stores in Tachikawa and I tried on some rings. 

The B has never cared about diamonds before so I had to show him what different weights and shapes looked like on me so we could choose something we both liked.

We ended up ordering a 2 ct. total weight bridal set on Kay Jewelers in mid-December.

Normally the wait would've been excruciating, but I went on a whim and took a trip to Paris with my friend BB.  The trip definitely was worth it and I was still able to get the updates on the ring's travel from the B as he was tracking the package online.

I got back to Tokyo from Paris a few days after the New Year and went straight to the B's.  We had plans to meet my friend on Sunday who was down in Tokyo for the day for a seminar.  So we met her and her daughter in Shibuya and had lunch at Shakey's pizza.  After lunch, the B said we should go to the metropolitan building to check out the sunset.  I have lived in Japan for almost seven years, four of which being here in Tokyo, and I had yet to visit that building. 

We headed to Shinjuku and there were quite a few people up on the observatory floor.  

It was a bit cloudy so we didn't get a clear view of Mt. Fuji, but it was still nice to see the 360 view from the center of Tokyo. 

After that, we headed home and watched the B's favorite Japanese TV shows, Tetsuwan Dash and Itte Q.  He had to work today, but I have the day off because it's "Seijin no Hi" (Coming of Age Day).  So I decided to just relax and take my time with going back to my place with all of my Paris goodies.

This morning his alarm went off at 4:45 and he ran into the living room and bathroom to turn on the heaters like he does every morning.  Japanese apartments SUCK when it comes to insulation and heating... I really don't understand why they have yet to jump on the central heating bandwagon,

He jumped back to bed and was ice cold.  I was trying my best to avoid his ice cold hands but he grabbed my hand and slipped the ring on my finger.


Then he asked, "Will you marry me?"

I was still half asleep but the combination of his cold hands, the cold ring and the shock of what was happening....

I said.... "Yes!" after a few seconds of letting my half-asleep brain process what was going on.

Then I teased that I didn't really have a choice in what my reply was since the ring was already on my finger to which he said that it wasn't like I was going to say no to the ring I helped him choose.

It was still a little before 5am, so I couldn't really see the ring and I didn't want to be blinded by him turning on the light, so I just felt it and held it up to the faint light coming through the Japanese paper door to the lawn.

Then, he had to get ready for work and was on his way.

Now I'm sitting here on the couch with a cup of coffee, admiring my good taste in jewelry. Lol